I've finally gotten my stitching groove back! The following 2 pics are of a RR that belongs to a friend..she had a few squares that needed finished so I offered to do a couple for her. I really enjoyed stitching on this.

Next is another RR piece with a halloween theme. I've stitched this before, but I thought I'd pull it out again because it went perfect with the others that were on there. I hope she likes it, it was a quick and easy one to do.

Next is a RR piece for myself. I found this freeebie online and thought it would be perfect as a pillow. So I've put this at the top and hopefully the other ladies will put some random cute things below and it will be a great little pillow for the holiday next year. This was done on some purple 14ct aida that I dyed myself a while back. It's more of a lighter purple, but I thought it was perfect for this RR. And if you read the previous post....this is also the one that the cat got revenge with! LOL

Now for the non-stitchy part....this little guy was brought home by my daughter when I sent her to walmart to pick something up. She came home and had this cute little ball of fluff. I could have just throttled her, but then I loooked at that cute little face and fell in love. He's half ragdoll and half persian and we've named him Garth. I've convinced my daughter that I'm keeping him! He's the most lovable little guy.....he loves to be held and hates being put down. He's a definate lap cat. LOL

Anyway, not much of an exciting update..but at least I'm stitching again! Hope everyone has their needles smoking! Hugs to all!