Happy February! It's been a busy week for me. I've been able to finish two small projects! First is this adorable little elephant....he will be a quilt block for the charity quilts my group is working on. I'm doing 12 of these little animals and will be making them into their own little quilt with a zoo theme.

I can't wait to see the quilt blocks as they come in! Alot of the girls have already finished a couple and I know these kids will absolutely be thrilled to have blankets of their very own. This is a huge project to tackle, but I know it will be worth it in the end.
Yesterday was a great mail day for me! I received a Valentine exchange from Jennifer...she sent me a cute little Lizzie Kate Flip it with a Valentine theme, fabric and all the "special" threads to stitch it! She also sent some really cute little buttons and charms, and some chocolates but they didn't make it into the pic, they 'accidentally' made their way into my mouth. MMmmmmm, yummy!

And...*gasp* I was a good girl this month and actually made one of my goals! I just finished my February cube this morning! Ha! I've stayed on track and now have January and February done...woohoo! On March 1st I'll do the March one...it's a cute little leprechaun.

Well, that's my update for this week.... I know I'm suppose to have some progress on moms birthday gift, but I just haven't picked it up this week. I've been so motivated to work on the quilt blocks that I've put it on the back burner. I really need to pull it out and do something on it, maybe when I get this next quilt block done....
Hope everyone is having a great week! Hugs to all!