Sunday, October 24, 2010
Here's a great giveaway!
At Willow Tree Pond: My 100th Post Giveaway!: "This year has flown by! I can't thank you all enough for the nice comments and suggestions that my followers post. But wait! I will try :..."
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fall is Here...
It's hard to believe Fall is here again! It seems like the years are flying by. My boys are in full swing of school this year and doing really well. Both boys recieved scholarships for 1 year of Karate lessons! The school gave out 5 scholarships and both my boys recieved one! Yep, I'm a proud mom! They had their first lesson on Friday and both love it!
About a month ago I was contacted by an old high school friend through facebook. She had heard through the grapevine that I had been making quilts for charity so she asked if I'd be willing to make one for her. She is involved with a womans group that makes care packages for our soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afganistan. They are having a chili feed and auction next weekend to raise money for the care packages and she asked if I'd make one for the auction. I felt it was a good cause and those care packages will mean alot to a soldier away from home and missing his or her family, so off I went to dig through my stash and this is what I came up with...
I haven't worked on my LK Living with Charm series for a while so I recently pulled it back out and did a couple more words. I hope to have it done by the end of the year. I'm at the halfway mark now so I should make it.
This next pic is a new start for me. My friend Jennifer did these charts a while back and decided she would 'PIF' them on to me. In turn I have to send them on to Tina when I am done. I've had them sitting here forever and thought I better get stitching before Tina gives up on me ever getting them done, LOL This is my progress so far... not much but it'll get there!
About a month ago I was contacted by an old high school friend through facebook. She had heard through the grapevine that I had been making quilts for charity so she asked if I'd be willing to make one for her. She is involved with a womans group that makes care packages for our soldiers stationed in Iraq and Afganistan. They are having a chili feed and auction next weekend to raise money for the care packages and she asked if I'd make one for the auction. I felt it was a good cause and those care packages will mean alot to a soldier away from home and missing his or her family, so off I went to dig through my stash and this is what I came up with...

Friday, October 8, 2010
Busy Busy Busy Times....
I can't believe it's been 2 weeks since I've been here! Time sure flies! I've been stitching and sewing alot lately. Last week I finished this little letter "N" for one of the charity quilts. Not sure what the little critters are suppose to be, but I think they turned out kinda cute.
Since we are so close to Halloween and I needed a quick finish to get my groove back, I thought I'd stitch up this little cutie. I think it's a freebie from Primitive Betty's but I can't remember for sure. I'm thinking it would make a cute little pin pillow.
Last weekend Mom invited me to go shopping. I picked up a few things.....

We recently did a couple of exchanges in KraftersKorner and I recieved this little ornament and goodies from Vicky. Love the snowman! He will look absolutely adorable hanging on my tree. Thank you Vicky, he is fabulous!
Another exchange we did recently is a Halloween Pin. I recieved this adorable little witch from my dear friend Ethel, along with a fat quarter of purple fabric and some Mill Hill beads. I love the witch and I can't wait to wear it for Halloween! Ethel, thank you for the goodies, I will wear the pin proudly!
That's it for the crafty part of life. Hubby had surgery yesterday to remove his teeth and get dentures. He was in for an hour and a half and came out with the dentures in his mouth. I felt so darn bad for the guy, he was a mess. I can honestly say I have never seen my husband drool until yesterday, and let me tell was FUNNY! I've never laughed so hard in my life. He's doing better today and taking his pain meds like a good boy. I'm thinking he'll probably sleep most of the day today because whatever they gave him makes him loopy or high or something....maybe happy would be a better word...LOL

Anyway, that's it for my boring update. Hope everyone is keeping those needles busy and enjoying the fall weather. Hugs to all my stitchy friends, you really are the best and I love you all dearly!
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