I can't believe this is my first post of the year! Time is flying by! Not going to go into my family and personal stuff in this post....today it's all about the stitching. So without further blabbering......
I posted a challenge in my group KraftersKorner for everyone to stitch up 2 ornaments a month from January to June. In June we'll have 12 ornaments and pick a day to "finish" them into ornaments. Here are my January ornies....

In Suz's group, StitchesandStuff, we are doing a seasonal SAL where we could all choose to work on the same pattern or pick our own. I chose my own since I happen to have some Lizzie Kate seasonal boxers. This is my winter SAL.....

I know it's a bit late since Valentine's has come and gone, but I did stitch a little something for the holiday. I'll finish it off on the big finishing day in June. I've had this chart, fabric and floss for over a year. Jennifer sent it to me as an exchange and I just never had the chance to pull it out and work on it. I'm liking it and think it may end up as a little cube to decorate a shelf next year.

Next we have my challenge ornaments for February. The snowman was a freebie from online somewhere...it escapes me at the moment. "Humbug" was a chart found in a pile of junk at a thrift store...it was a photo copy so had no idea what it would even look like, but it just called to me to give it a go as an ornament, so off I went and that's what it came out like. I think it's kinda cute.

Next is a new little SAL I found online. Not sure why I like it, but I do. I've got January and February finished so far, still gotta catch up on March but it's a quick stitch so I'll get it done this week sometime. We are also doing this as a SAL in StitchesandStuff so it'll be fun to see how everyone chooses floss and fabric.

While going through some boxes in the garage last week, I ran onto 2 little "shelves". I pulled them aside and thought I'd stitch up something for them and hang them up in my living room. Since I'm desperately trying to have an African/Safari "theme" I started searching for something small that would fit in them. What I found was perfect for the shelves...one will be a realistic looking rhino and the other will be a realistic looking hippo. I have the rhino started but no pic yet. Hoping to finish both of these in the next week or two and have some "finished" shelves to show you in the next post. Here's a pic of one of the ugly little things....

Obviously I have NOT stuck to my goals this year. Lots of reasons and excuses, but hey, at least I'm stitching. Hope eveyone has their needles smoking and the frogs are staying away. Hugs to all my stitching friends!