What a week it's been! We are all still getting used to the changes since my daughter left. The boys are slowly adjusting to having their own rooms. My 10 year old claimed the empty room and had his bed moved in all by himself before I even knew what was happening..LOL! The boys have been out for Spring Break this week...usually they go visit Grandma for the week but this year things didn't go the way we planned so they stayed home. I really really wish I could have had the break!
I've pulled out the Lizzie Kate piece and did another word and some more of the border. Just finished this part this morning. I'm loving the way it's turning out! I had planned to frame this when I finish it but now I'm thinking it might make a cute little wall quilt. Still not sure what I'm going to do with it when I'm done.

Here is my next block for the zoo theme quilt. This is the cutest purple hippo I've ever seen! Just seems like she's batting those big eyelashes at you...lol.

Not sure what I'll work on next. I'm thinking I need to pull out moms birthday gift and at least put in a few stitches or it's not going to be done by July. The only problem is I have something else SCREAMING at me to start. Jenifer PIFed me with the Lizzie Kate "Christmas by the Letter" charts and I have all the floss & fabric to start them. I keep thinking I should just go ahead and start so I can send them on to the next person. (good excuse,huh?) I've got 6 more blocks to stitch for this zoo quilt and a couple of others to do also but I really really want to do the Christmas ones.....decisions decisions......
Anyway, not much else going on in my corner of the world at the moment. Hope everyone is stitching like mad! Hugs to all!