I thought I would show a picture of the backstitch on the dragon. It is sooo boring! I'm halfway through it now, but I am so tired of dragon scales, LOL! I do love the detail the backstitching is bringing out but I can't wait till it's completely done! Hopefully I can finish it this week and put him away till my "finishing" day when he becomes a pillow for my son.

To break up the monotony of the dragon and all my other BAP's I decided to start something new. This is a Valentine freebie from the Wiehenburg samler yahoo group. It's a heart shape but done band sampler style. I love it but when I first seen it I just didn't think it belonged in a frame. So I decided to try to "shabby" it up. I'm doing it on 14ct oatmeal aida (ewww) I have some red & tan gingham check fabric in my stash so I'm going to make a toss pillow out of that and then sew this to the front and fray out the edges, then I'm going to add a big red button to each corner. I'm shooting for the "shabby chic" look..lol, we'll see how it comes out.

I would also like to give a big THANK YOU to all the ladies in my yahoo group for keeping me accountable with my stitching and making me stick to my stash diet. I've got 3 done and 7 more to go until I reach my first 10 finishes and they are doing VERY well at keeping me on track. So thank you ladies...my hubby's wallet is loving you right about now!
In more personal news, my oldest son finally got his cast on Wednesday. He chose the color blue and has been carrying a sharpie marker everywhere with him. I don't think he could fit one more name on it anywhere! LOL
On Saturday he decided he could ride his bike with the cast and did really well until I turned my back. He ended up crashing his bike and getting a bad case of road rash. He tore up one knee, the elbow right above the cast and his entire hand of his good arm! He stood up and all I saw was blood dripping down the cast and blood dripping from his other hand. It was a nasty crash and now he's terrified to even walk out the front door! He keeps telling me that every time he moves something bad happens! LOL
My youngest son is going through the "I want a cast too" stage. He's been trying so hard to break something.....climbing trees, skateboarding off the porch, jumping off the back deck....sheesh! He's making me pull out my hair! I keep telling him that the more he tries the less likely it is to happen....he doesn't listen, LOL!
Anyway, hope everyone is happy & healthy and stitching like mad!
Hugs to all!