Can you believe its May already? Where on earth is the time going? I've been a busy girl over the last week or so. Last week my 8 year olds class had a poetry reading. The kids had been busy writing poems and invited the parents to come to their annual poetry reading. Here's a pic of my son reading the following poem that he wrote:
Who Am I?
A long 8 hours in the car but I am excited to get there.
We pull up and I see a small gray house with a large canal in the front.
I open the door and smell my old Grandpa.
It is a stinky old smell.
I hear him snoring.
I get lots of hugs.
I get to eat spuds all day.
They are awesome with a hint of coconut.
I like visiting Idaho, home of the potato.
I wish I could visit more.

Ok, so the kids poetry skills could use a bit of tweeking...but I thought it was hilarious! He did a really good job considering he was nervous about standing up in front of everyone. It was a fun day and I look forward to attending more things like this as the kids grow up.
On to stitchy news: I've been working on more quilt blocks for my zoo theme quilt. As of right now I only have 3 more to stitch and then I can start the actual quilt part. I was able to finish two blocks over the weekend...a penguin and a parrot:

I'm looking forward to getting the next 3 blocks done and getting this quilt made. These kids are going to be thrilled with all the quilts!
Against my better judgement, I've decided to go ahead and show pics of the magnets I made for an exchange in my KraftersKorner group. I have not sent these to my partners yet so I hope they'll still be surprised..LOL The first 2 are for Marie. It was hard to find just the *right* thing but I'm hoping she likes them.

These next 2 magnets are for Vicky. I hope she likes lighthouses and beach stuff...LOL!

I've been working a little bit here and there on moms bday gift. I will show a progress pic of that one in the next update. I seem to go in spurts with that particular project, a few minutes here & there but not any set amount of time to make good progress. Hope to pick it up soon and just get the darned thing finished.
I have been a good girl and DID NOT start the LK Christmas by the Letter charts yet. I am going to finish the Living with Charm series first and have brought it back out to work on this week. Hope to have an update on that piece next time too.
Well, now you know what I've been up to! Hope everyone is having a great Spring! Hugs to all!