
Saturday, May 16, 2009

A small finish & kittens!

I just finished my little part of a RR! This is the first thing I've stitched in quite awhile. Now I feel like I'm getting my stitchy groove back. I love the stitchers verse on this one.....I can't wait to see it finished when everyone else does their part.

For my birthday this year my kids bought me this diffuser thing.....
Now I'm not all that into that kind of thing so it's been sitting in the box for a month now just waiting for me to open and start using it. Well, it definately works! LOL Thank goodness it's apple - cinnamon scent! I don't think I could handle anything else! All you do is pour this teeny tiny bottle of oil in the vase and stick the bamboo sticks in it. The sticks soak up the oil and smell up the room.....ha! Not mine! Mine smells up the WHOLE house! You walk in the front door and it smells like an apple pie is baking. At least it's a good smell, right? LOL
On Mother's Day (last week) we were sitting outside and this small little kitty walked up. The poor thing was just skin and bones! So I asked around to see if it belonged to anyone and couldn't find an owner. I even called the Humane Society and they wouldn't take the poor thing so I gave it a bowl of food and some water and let it stay out in the garage. Over this past week she started gaining weight and wandering into the house. We've been trying to find a place to take her to but so far no one in our area has any room, so in the meantime we've been feeding her and letting her come in. Well, this morning hubby walked outside and yelled for me to come quick! She had given birth to a tiny little kitten in the flower bed! We grabbed the dog carrier and put her and the kitten in it and brought her into the laundry room. About 15 minutes later she had another one, and then 2 more about a half hour after that! Now we have 4 kittens and a mama that needs a new home. I guess she came to us on Mother's Day for a reason. Maybe I have SUCKER written on my forehead! LOL I'll show pics on my next blog update!
Hugs to all!


  1. i love your defuser. and your stitching looks great!

  2. Your stitching looks wonderful. Poor little kitty. Was starving trying to take care of her babies inside her.

  3. Nice work - wish I was closer to take a kitten. I am a sucker also for animals - especially cats

  4. Love the stitching and I know I have "Sucker" stamped on my forehead, any strays that need a home just comes to my place, I'm not a lover of cats as I'm a bird person but I would never let one go hungry..

  5. Oh, I'm so glad you're feeding the momma kitty and her new babies! Could you post an ad in the paper? or post a note on a local vet's bulletin board? (if they have one)
    Love the RR piece and I bet your house does smell good:)

  6. Great to hear that your stitching is coming back to you!

  7. I love the Stitcher's verse. lol and I know what you mean about smelly things. I am so sensitive to things that have an aroma.
